July 27, 2024


For performing event-driven switch, STS depends on Pubsub and SQS. Clients need to arrange the occasion notification and grant STS entry to this queue. Utilizing a brand new subject – “Occasion Stream” – within the Switch Job, prospects can specify occasion stream title and management when STS begins and cease listening for occasions from this stream

As soon as the Switch Job is created, STS begins consuming the article change notifications from the supply. Any object change or add will now set off a change notification, which the service acts on in real-time to repeat the article to the vacation spot.

That is nice information for patrons who use STS batch switch for the eventualities the place knowledge freshness carries vital enterprise worth: low-RPO backup, event-driven analytics, reside migration and so forth. For Batch switch, STS begins by work discovery – itemizing the sources and vacation spot with a minimal frequency of 1 hr, which could be time consuming for buckets with billions of objects. Consequently, for a big bucket, new objects created on the supply do not replicate on the vacation spot for hours. In distinction, event-driven switch can copy knowledge to vacation spot inside minutes of object creation and alter on the supply. 

With event-driven switch, you possibly can arrange automated, ongoing replication of knowledge between buckets with just some clicks. It comes with a variety of supporting options together with filtering primarily based on prefixes, dealing with retries, checksumming, detailed switch logs by way of Cloud Logging and progress monitoring by way of Cloud Monitoring. Along with being simple to arrange and use, it’s extremely scalable and versatile, permitting replication of knowledge between buckets in the identical mission, throughout completely different initiatives, and even throughout completely different Cloud Storage areas and continents. 

Configuring event-driven switch  

You may create an event-driven switch between Cloud Storage buckets in three steps:

  • Create a pubsub subscription that listens to modifications on the Cloud Storage bucket 

  • Assign permission for STS to repeat knowledge between buckets and take heed to this pubsub subscription

  • Create a Switch Job with Occasion Stream configuration 

To simplify this additional, here’s a walkthrough of how you need to use event-driven switch utilizing the gcloud command-line device. 

Create occasion notification

To begin with, create a Pub/Sub notification for the supply Cloud Storage bucket and a pull subscription for the subject:


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