July 26, 2024


Welcome to Safety Voices

This new residing weblog is authored by a various group of individuals throughout a number of safety groups at Google that conceive, craft, construct, take a look at, clarify, and produce to market the wide selection of safety services and products that our clients use right now. Our voices mirror the varied world that we assist safe. This weblog is a celebration of who we’re and what we do! 

Why is that this vital? 

Variety, fairness, and inclusion are vital for their very own sake. In addition they make for higher enterprise sense.

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Our objective with our posts, that stay on this weblog and on LinkedIn, is to inform you concerning the methods we take into consideration our work, the occasions and those that have formed us, and the way we work collectively to attain our targets. Our hope is that our diversified journeys, the teachings we’ve realized alongside the best way, and the superb work we’ve completed will encourage our readers to hunt, foster, and thrive in numerous and inclusive groups. 

The blogs you’ll learn are our story. We hope you take pleasure in it.

Sri Subramanian
On behalf of the few of us who’ve devoted these previous months to bringing this weblog to life.

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MCKinsey Variety Report
BGC How numerous groups enhance innovation
Forbes – Variety + Inclusion = Higher Determination Making At Work


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