July 27, 2024


Apache Kafka is an open-source platform for constructing real-time streaming knowledge pipelines and purposes. At re:Invent 2018, we introduced Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka, a completely managed service that makes it simple to construct and run purposes that use Apache Kafka to course of streaming knowledge.

Once you use Apache Kafka, you seize real-time knowledge from sources reminiscent of IoT units, database change occasions, and web site clickstreams, and ship it to locations reminiscent of databases and chronic storage.

Kafka Join is an open-source part of Apache Kafka that gives a framework for connecting with exterior programs reminiscent of databases, key-value shops, search indexes, and file programs. Nevertheless, manually operating Kafka Join clusters requires you to plan and provision the required infrastructure, cope with cluster operations, and scale it in response to load adjustments.

At this time, we’re asserting a brand new functionality that makes it simpler to handle Kafka Join clusters. MSK Join means that you can configure and deploy a connector utilizing Kafka Join with a simply few clicks. MSK Join provisions the required sources and units up the cluster. It repeatedly displays the well being and supply state of connectors, patches and manages the underlying , and auto-scales connectors to match adjustments in throughput. Because of this, you possibly can focus your sources on constructing purposes moderately than managing infrastructure.

MSK Join is totally appropriate with Kafka Join, which suggests you possibly can migrate your present connectors with out code adjustments. You don’t want an MSK cluster to make use of MSK Join. It helps Amazon MSK, Apache Kafka, and Apache Kafka appropriate clusters as sources and sinks. These clusters may be self-managed or managed by AWS companions and third events so long as MSK Join can privately hook up with the clusters.

Utilizing MSK Join with Amazon Aurora and Debezium
To check MSK Join, I wish to use it to stream knowledge change occasions from one in all my databases. To take action, I take advantage of Debezium, an open-source distributed platform for change knowledge seize constructed on prime of Apache Kafka.

I take advantage of a MySQL-compatible Amazon Aurora database because the supply and the Debezium MySQL connector with the setup described on this architectural diagram:

Architectural diagram.

To make use of my Aurora database with Debezium, I must activate binary logging within the DB cluster parameter group. I comply with the steps within the How do I activate binary logging for my Amazon Aurora MySQL cluster article.

Subsequent, I’ve to create a customized plugin for MSK Join. A customized plugin is a set of JAR information that include the implementation of a number of connectors, transforms, or converters. Amazon MSK will set up the plugin on the employees of the join cluster the place the connector is operating.

From the Debezium web site, I obtain the MySQL connector plugin for the most recent secure launch. As a result of MSK Join accepts customized plugins in ZIP or JAR format, I convert the downloaded archive to ZIP format and preserve the JARs information in the principle listing:

$ tar xzf debezium-connector-mysql-1.6.1.Closing-plugin.tar.gz
$ cd debezium-connector-mysql
$ zip -9 ../debezium-connector-mysql-1.6.1.zip *
$ cd ..

Then, I take advantage of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to add the customized plugin to an Amazon Easy Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket in the identical AWS Area I’m utilizing for MSK Join:

$ aws s3 cp debezium-connector-mysql-1.6.1.zip s3://my-bucket/path/

On the Amazon MSK console there’s a new MSK Join part. I take a look at the connectors and select Create connector. Then, I create a customized plugin and browse my S3 buckets to pick the customized plugin ZIP file I uploaded earlier than.

Console screenshot.

I enter a reputation and an outline for the plugin after which select Subsequent.

Console screenshot.

Now that the configuration of the customized plugin is full, I begin the creation of the connector. I enter a reputation and an outline for the connector.

Console screenshot.

I’ve the choice to make use of a self-managed Apache Kafka cluster or one that’s managed by MSK. I choose one in all my MSK cluster that’s configured to make use of IAM authentication. The MSK cluster I choose is in the identical digital non-public cloud (VPC) as my Aurora database. To attach, the MSK cluster and Aurora database use the default safety group for the VPC. For simplicity, I take advantage of a cluster configuration with auto.create.matters.allow set to true.

Console screenshot.

In Connector configuration, I take advantage of the next settings:

database.historical past.kafka.matter=dbhistory.ecommerce
database.historical past.kafka.bootstrap.servers=<bootstrap servers>
database.historical past.client.safety.protocol=SASL_SSL
database.historical past.client.sasl.mechanism=AWS_MSK_IAM
database.historical past.client.sasl.jaas.config=software program.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
database.historical past.client.sasl.consumer.callback.handler.class=software program.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler
database.historical past.producer.safety.protocol=SASL_SSL
database.historical past.producer.sasl.mechanism=AWS_MSK_IAM
database.historical past.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software program.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
database.historical past.producer.sasl.consumer.callback.handler.class=software program.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler

A few of these settings are generic and needs to be specified for any connector. For instance:

  • connector.class is the Java class of the connector.
  • duties.max is the utmost variety of duties that needs to be created for this connector.

Different settings are particular to the Debezium MySQL connector:

  • The database.hostname comprises the author occasion endpoint of my Aurora database.
  • The database.server.identify is a logical identify of the database server. It’s used for the names of the Kafka matters created by Debezium.
  • The database.embrace.listing comprises the listing of databases hosted by the desired server.
  • The database.historical past.kafka.matter is a Kafka matter used internally by Debezium to trace database schema adjustments.
  • The database.historical past.kafka.bootstrap.servers comprises the bootstrap servers of the MSK cluster.
  • The ultimate eight traces (database.historical past.client.* and database.historical past.producer.*) allow IAM authentication to entry the database historical past matter.

In Connector capability, I can select between autoscaled or provisioned capability. For this setup, I select Autoscaled and go away all different settings at their defaults.

Console screenshot.

With autoscaled capability, I can configure these parameters:

  • MSK Join Unit (MCU) rely per employee – Every MCU gives 1 vCPU of compute and four GB of reminiscence.
  • The minimal and most variety of staff.
  • Autoscaling utilization thresholds – The higher and decrease goal utilization thresholds on MCU consumption in share to set off auto scaling.

Console screenshot.

There’s a abstract of the minimal and most MCUs, reminiscence, and community bandwidth for the connector.

Console screenshot.

For Employee configuration, you need to use the default one offered by Amazon MSK or present your personal configuration. In my setup, I take advantage of the default one.

In Entry permissions, I create a IAM function. Within the trusted entities, I add kafkaconnect.amazonaws.com to permit MSK Hook up with assume the function.

The function is utilized by MSK Hook up with work together with the MSK cluster and different AWS providers. For my setup, I add:

The Debezium connector wants entry to the cluster configuration to search out the replication issue to make use of to create the historical past matter. For that reason, I add to the permissions coverage the kafka-cluster:DescribeClusterDynamicConfiguration motion (equal Apache Kafka’s DESCRIBE_CONFIGS cluster ACL).

Relying in your configuration, you may want so as to add extra permissions to the function (for instance, in case the connector wants entry to different AWS sources reminiscent of an S3 bucket). If that’s the case, you must add permissions earlier than creating the connector.

In Safety, the settings for authentication and encryption in transit are taken from the MSK cluster.

Console screenshot.

In Logs, I select to ship logs to CloudWatch Logs to have extra info on the execution of the connector. Through the use of CloudWatch Logs, I can simply handle retention and interactively search and analyze my log knowledge with CloudWatch Logs Insights. I enter the log group ARN (it’s the identical log group I used earlier than within the IAM function) after which select Subsequent.

Console screenshot.

I evaluation the settings after which select Create connector. After a couple of minutes, the connector is operating.

Testing MSK Join with Amazon Aurora and Debezium
Now let’s check the structure I simply arrange. I begin an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) occasion to replace the database and begin a few Kafka customers to see Debezium in motion. To have the ability to hook up with each the MSK cluster and the Aurora database, I take advantage of the identical VPC and assign the default safety group. I additionally add one other safety group that offers me SSH entry to the occasion.

I obtain a binary distribution of Apache Kafka and extract the archive within the dwelling listing:

$ tar xvf kafka_2.13-2.7.1.tgz

To make use of IAM to authenticate with the MSK cluster, I comply with the directions within the Amazon MSK Developer Information to configure shoppers for IAM entry management. I obtain the most recent secure launch of the Amazon MSK Library for IAM:

$ wget https://github.com/aws/aws-msk-iam-auth/releases/obtain/1.1.Zero/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.Zero-all.jar

Within the ~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/config/ listing I create a client-config.properties file to configure a Kafka consumer to make use of IAM authentication:

# Units up TLS for encryption and SASL for authN.
safety.protocol = SASL_SSL

# Identifies the SASL mechanism to make use of.
sasl.mechanism = AWS_MSK_IAM

# Binds SASL consumer implementation.
sasl.jaas.config = software program.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;

# Encapsulates establishing a SigV4 signature based mostly on extracted credentials.
# The SASL consumer certain by "sasl.jaas.config" invokes this class.
sasl.consumer.callback.handler.class = software program.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler

I add a number of traces to my Bash profile to:

  • Add Kafka binaries to the PATH.
  • Add the MSK Library for IAM to the CLASSPATH.
  • Create the BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS setting variable to retailer the bootstrap servers of my MSK cluster.
$ cat >> ~./bash_profile
export PATH=~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/bin:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=/dwelling/ec2-user/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.Zero-all.jar
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=<bootstrap servers>

Then, I open three terminal connections to the occasion.

Within the first terminal connection, I begin a Kafka client for a subject with the identical identify because the database server (ecommerce-server). This matter is utilized by Debezium to stream schema adjustments (for instance, when a brand new desk is created).

$ cd ~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/
$ kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS 
                            --consumer.config config/client-config.properties 
                            --topic ecommerce-server --from-beginning

Within the second terminal connection, I begin one other Kafka client for a subject with a reputation constructed by concatenating the database server (ecommerce-server), the database (ecommerce), and the desk (orders). This matter is utilized by Debezium to stream knowledge adjustments for the desk (for instance, when a brand new report is inserted).

$ cd ~/kafka_2.13-2.7.1/
$ kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS 
                            --consumer.config config/client-config.properties 
                            --topic ecommerce-server.ecommerce.orders --from-beginning

Within the third terminal connection, I set up a MySQL consumer utilizing the MariaDB bundle and hook up with the Aurora database:

$ sudo yum set up mariadb
$ mysql -h <aurora-database-writer-instance-endpoint> -u <database-user> -p

From this connection, I create the ecommerce database and a desk for my orders:


USE ecommerce

       order_id VARCHAR(255),
       customer_id VARCHAR(255),
       item_description VARCHAR(255),
       value DECIMAL(6,2),

These database adjustments are captured by the Debezium connector managed by MSK Join and are streamed to the MSK cluster. Within the first terminal, consuming the subject with schema adjustments, I see the knowledge on the creation of database and desk:


Then, I am going again to the database connection within the third terminal to insert a number of data within the orders desk:

INSERT INTO orders VALUES ("123456", "123", "An excellent noisy mechanical keyboard", "50.00", "2021-08-16 10:11:12");
INSERT INTO orders VALUES ("123457", "123", "An especially large monitor", "500.00", "2021-08-16 11:12:13");
INSERT INTO orders VALUES ("123458", "123", "A too smart microphone", "150.00", "2021-08-16 12:13:14");

Within the second terminal, I see the knowledge on the data inserted into the orders desk:

Structafter=Structorder_id=123457,customer_id=123,item_description=An especially large monitor,value=500.00,order_date=1629112333000,supply=Struct,op=c,ts_ms=1629202993621
Structafter=Structorder_id=123458,customer_id=123,item_description=A too smart microphone,value=150.00,order_date=1629115994000,supply=Struct,op=c,ts_ms=1629202993630

My change knowledge seize structure is up and operating and the connector is totally managed by MSK Join.

Availability and Pricing
MSK Join is on the market within the following AWS Areas: Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Eire), EU (London), EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm), South America (Sao Paulo), US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon). For extra info, see the AWS Regional Companies Listing.

With MSK Join you pay for what you employ. The sources utilized by your connectors may be scaled routinely based mostly in your workload. For extra info, see the Amazon MSK pricing web page.

Simplify the administration of your Apache Kafka connectors immediately with MSK Join.



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